Adult Development and Aging

Students will be introduced to developmental trends and challenges that must be addressed to achieve healthy growth and development throughout adulthood and late life - including a look at changes in physical health, cognition, and psychosocial functioning (including mental health, social roles and relationships, and transitions in work and retirement); and the implications of these changes for issues such as risk of disability, dementia, caregiving, and end-of-life decisions. This course guides student to consider how development (and aging) occurs in the context of families, social relationships, neighborhoods and communities, and the larger cultural context. Special focus is given to how we (as people/community members or professionals) can promote healthy adult development and aging.

Effective Speech (CAS 100A) explores how people use techniques of oral communication to address practical, professional and civic problems. It is designed to introduce students to principles of effective public speaking, implemented through the design and presentation of individual speeches. CAS 100A fulfills 3 credits of the writing and speaking requirement for general education.

Adult Development and Aging

GenEd Domain: 
Health and Wellness (GHW), Social and Behavioral Sciences (GS)
Class Days: 
Class Times: 
10:10 - 11:25

Effective Speech

CAS 100A
GenEd Domain: 
Writing and Speaking (GWS)
Class Days: 
Class Times: 
12:45 - 2:00