Business: Supply Chain Management

Ever wondered how your favorite pasta lands on the shelves at Wegmans, or how that sleek Tesla graces the showroom on Rodeo Drive? Have you pondered the journey of those exquisite Armani and Prada clothes before they find their place in Saks Fifth Avenue's retail stores? SCM 301 is not just a course; it's your passport to unravel the intricacies of supply chain applications, expanding your business acumen to thrive in the global landscape.

In the exciting space of Supply Chain Management (SCM) 301, we delve into all the business functions and enterprises linked by the seamless flow of goods, services, information, and funds. This course is your gateway to understanding how organizations navigate the intricate web of acquiring, producing, and delivering goods and services in today's global economy. As an SCM 301 student, you'll cultivate excellence in four pivotal areas: Core Flow Functions, Information Systems, Cross-Functional Planning Perspectives, and Sustainability Concepts.

SCM 301 is not your run-of-the-mill course—it breathes life into theories through real-world content, exposure to best practices from visiting business leaders, and engaging case studies. Picture yourself at the forefront of Fortune 500 firms, leading the charge in consulting, strategic sourcing, production, logistics, transportation, sustainability, and beyond. Ready to ride the wave of excellence? Join SCM 301 and let's redefine the way you view the world of business. SCM 301 is a Smeal College of Business requirement for all majors except actuarial science.

Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 15) an intensive, rhetorically based experience in reading and writing that will prepare you both to understand the communications that surround you and to succeed in your own communication efforts. Thus, in this course, we will focus specifically on analyzing verbal and visual texts (our reading) as well as on producing such texts (our writing), always in terms of rhetorical principles. ENGL 15 fulfills 3 credits of the writing and speaking requirement for general education.

This pride is reserved for students enrolled in the Smeal College of Business.

Supply Chain Management

SCM 301
Class Days: 
Class Times: 
9:35 - 10:50

Rhetoric and Composition

GenEd Domain: 
Writing and Speaking (GWS)
Class Days: 
Class Times: 
11:10 - 12:25