Penn State has a wealth of resources to support students and these resources are available to students taking summer courses. Find a listing of student resources by topic.
Summer Session Resources & FAQs
How do I know whether my course is in-person or online?
Instruction modes for each course are listed in LionPATH. Instruction mode options will include the following, with LionPATH codes listed in parentheses:
- In-Person Instruction. Students meet in the assigned classroom at the time assigned in the course schedule. These courses will list days, times, and locations.
- Online Instruction. Course material are made available for students to work through on their own schedules. These courses will list TBA for day and WEB for location.
Please note: new first-year students at University Park who are beginning at Penn State during the summer session must take their summer courses in-person at the University Park campus.
Will I be able to access library resources for my online courses?
Penn State University Libraries is an essential part of your educational experience. Many resources are available digitally, and the front page of the website is the front door of the library. We have compiled special information related to online learning that will provide quick answers to your most common questions.
If you have specific questions while using the library, we offer a robust chat service that is staffed by employees of the library. You can access chat at Please do not hesitate to reach out. Our favorite part of being Penn State employees is to help students!
What do I do if I have connectivity issues?
If you have an internet connection, but are experiencing spotty or slow service, it may be your bandwidth. Penn State IT has provided tips on conserving bandwidth.
How do I find Summer Courses?
You can search for summer courses in LionPATH. Keep in mind that you can take courses at any Penn State campus in the summer without changing your campus of enrollment. If you don't see the course you are looking for offered at your campus, search at other campuses. In the summer, there are multiple summer sessions. Be sure to review the start and end date when selecting your courses.
Please note: new first-year students at University Park who are beginning at Penn State during the summer session must take their summer courses in-person at the University Park campus.
What are the benefits of summer courses online?
Penn State has a long history of offering online courses in the summer. Summer courses help you to make progress toward your degree, explore an area of interest, or catch up on your degree program requirements before the fall semester. The online option means you can take your courses from anywhere!
*New first-year students who begin their coursework in the summer are required to take their courses in-person.
What are the tuition rates for Summer?
When finalized, tuition rates will be posted at Historic tuition rates are also available on that site.
How do I register for summer courses?
Registration for summer classes will open in LionPATH for all current students, regardless of credits earned, in February. You can continue to add summer courses until the add deadline for the summer session in which that course is offered. The academic calendar for summer, which includes the start/ends date and add/drop deadlines for each summer session, can be found at
New first-year students to the University Park campus who register for courses through the LEAP program will register in mid-March through early May. Those who register for courses outside of the LEAP program will register during New Student Orientation.