CMPSC 131* introduces the fundamental concepts and processes of solving computational problems through the design, implementation, testing and evaluation of efficient and robust computer programs.  A central theme to the course is computational thinking which includes a wide range of approaches to solving problems and designing systems that draw upon concepts fundamental to computer science.  This course will be of interest to anyone seeking an introduction to computer science and programming.

CAS 100A explores how people use techniques of oral communication to address practical, professional and civic problems. It is designed to introduce students to principles of effective public speaking, implemented through the design and presentation of individual speeches. Drawing upon concepts from the study of both rhetoric and communication science, the course aims to foster habits of ethical self-reflection alongside practical speaking skills. 

*This pride is reserved for students from the College of Engineering and the Division of Undergraduate Studies. In order to be registered into this pride, students must have either taken Calculus in high school or scored a 76 or higher on the ALEKS math assessment. Students who sign up for this pride must complete their ALEKS Math Assessment by May 1, 2025. The ALEKS is available to students in their New Student Orientation Tasklist beginning in March.

**CMPSC 131 is a 4-credit course. Students who select this pride will be registered in 7 credits. Tuition estimates on this website are based on enrollment in 6 credits. Students should plan for an additional approximately $850 (in-state resident) or $1,700 (out-of-state resident) in tuition cost for the additional credit.

Programming and Computation I: Fundamentals

GenEd Domain: 
Writing and Speaking (GWS)
Class Days: 
Class Times: 
2:20 - 3:35

Effective Speech

CAS 100A
GenEd Domain: 
Writing and Speaking (GWS)
Class Days: 
Class Times: 
12:45 - 2:00