EDSGN 100 Cornerstone Engineering Design provides students with a foundation for engineering design through hands-on team projects that address specified design opportunities. Through this course, students will recognize the role that engineering and design have in improving the health, safety, and welfare of the global community, as well as identifying when a solution is technically feasible, economically viable, and desirable. Students will use a range of design tools and techniques to carry out and communicate their design processes as applied to their projects. Additionally, students will develop and practice professional skills, such as communication, teamwork, and ethical decision making. Course delivery will be via faculty-led lessons, hands-on activities, and discussions.
CAS 100A explores how people use techniques of oral communication to address practical, professional and civic problems. It is designed to introduce students to principles of effective public speaking, implemented through the design and presentation of individual speeches. Drawing upon concepts from the study of both rhetoric and communication science, the course aims to foster habits of ethical self-reflection alongside practical speaking skills.
This pride is reserved for students enrolled in the College of Engineering or the Division of Undergraduate Studies. EDSGN 100 is not a general education course and may not count toward degree requirements for majors outside of the College of Engineering. Exploratory students from the Division of Undergraduate Studies who are exploring majors outside of the College of Engineering should consider enrolling in a pride that includes two general education courses. Email leap@psu.edu with questions.