KINES 81 is designed to explore the cognitive foundations of wellness and the social, economic, and cultural factors that may influence wellness. This course explores physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual components of wellness. Students explore the health benefits of exercise, diet, management of lifestyle change, and personal responsibility to achieve lifelong wellness. Students successfully completing KINES 81 will be able to analyze personal health behavior, articulate the importance of prevention, identify the components of a positive healthy lifestyle, describe health risk behavior, grasp the multidimensional nature of wellness, and describe the importance of personal responsibility in maintaining wellness.

The phenomenon called interpersonal communication (CAS 203) encompasses the complexities of interaction between people in any of a variety of situations. The expectations people form prior to a conversation, the messages that they produce using language and nonverbal cues, the ways in which they attach meaning to the behaviors of others, and the systemic qualities of the dyad are all part of interpersonal communication. And interpersonal communication occurs in contexts as varied as strangers sharing a seat on a bus, neighbors passing each other in the street, college roommates or married couples coordinating their lives, and co-workers negotiating office politics. In the home, at school, at work, and in public, interpersonal communication is an intricate process that weaves the fabric of our lives as social beings. This class is designed as an opportunity to explore the complexities of interpersonal communication and to develop a repertoire of interpersonal communication skills.

Wellness Theory

GenEd Domain: 
Health and Wellness (GHW)
Class Days: 
Class Times: 
12:45 - 2:00

Interpersonal Communication

CAS 203
GenEd Domain: 
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GS)
Class Days: 
Class Times: 
9:35 - 10:50